Sunday, May 27, 2018

Organizing, Hair Loss and Fatigue

It has been a couple of busy weeks. Even though we are in the house there are still little things that need to be done. One of those things is organizing the different rooms in the house. The music room was an all day job and very tiring for Paul. We also organized the sewing/office and he had to take breaks to rest. It is hard because he is so used to pushing until a project is finished. That is harder for him to do right now.

He also forgets to get a snack. He is supposed to eat about six small meals a day but most of the time he forgets. He is constantly hungry but gets busy and forgets to have something. In spite of the low energy He is doing quite well. He still has energy to walk in the mornings but not as far as we used to walk.

He has lost about half of his hair but it fell out evenly all over so he is not bald. The hair is not growing and mainly it is only the white hair that is left. He is looking a little more like his dad except he has more hair on the top of his head than his dad did. He also doesn't have to shave everyday. His clothes are too big but he is staying right around 171 to 173 lbs. He says that his fingernails are being affected by the chemo. Round 3 is this coming Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The doctor thinks he will handle things well since he did so well with the first round. He was given a blessing by our Home Teachers/Ministers just before his first chemo that said his body would be able to adjust to the circumstances. We feel that this is what has been happening with him. We are so thankful for these miracles in our lives at this time.

Still the same with just a little less hair.

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